Editeurs inscrits : 37451
Annonceurs inscrits : 32551

Des sources de revenus pour monétiser son blog

Focus on click-through advertising

To earn money with click-through advertising, you can start by inserting advertising banners on the pages of your blog . Each time one of them is clicked by a reader, you will receive remuneration.

The principle is simple: your income increases as the number of clicks increases.

To optimize the monetization of your blog based on this type of advertising, it is strongly recommended to position banners whose advertising purpose is consistent with the theme of the article.

Furthermore, it is important to position the inserts in such a way as to encourage clicks. Note that a certain level of traffic is necessary to generate adequate income.

Choose to publish sponsored articles

As your blog grows in terms of audience and notoriety, you will be contacted by advertisers interested in publishing articles on your blog.

These can be manifested by contacting you directly through your contact form. These requests should then be handled on a case-by-case basis. You can offer a fixed rate or opt for a tailor-made rate.

This monetization solution is very effective but you must ensure that you respect important rules:

  • Accept articles whose theme remains consistent with the subjects covered by your blog
  • Accept articles with high quality content, so as not to disappoint your readers
  • Accept articles that meet your standards



Use a blog to distribute your products

If you make things, you can use your blog to sell them . You can publish articles to present your products in depth: take the time to precisely describe their advantages, present their characteristics and publish numerous photos.

As long as you maintain consistency between the theme of your articles and the nature of your products, everything is fine!

If you have special skills, you can also offer your services through your blog . Here too, be sure to associate them in a relevant way with the content of your articles.

Affiliation as a means of monetization

The principle of affiliation consists of integrating links into the content of your articles that point to an advertiser's site. When one of your readers clicks on this type of link, they are redirected to the advertiser who will try to sell them a product or service.

If this reader places an order with the advertiser, you then receive a commission. This mechanism is based on a 'tag' system allowing the origin of the sale to be tracked.

This monetization tool can be very formidable, especially if there is strong coherence between the theme of the blog and the articles sold by the advertiser.






Le netlinking seo
Réussir son netlinking
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Atteindre la première page de Google
Vous souhaitez découvrir une approche complète pour vous aider à atteindre les premières positions du moteur de recherche Google ? Découvrez le guide seo ci-dessous:
Qu'est-ce qu'un backlink?
Retrouvez notre définition du backlink pour découvrir l'ensemble des paramètres à considérer lorsque l'on souhaite utiliser les liens seo de de manière efficiente.
Monétisation de blog
Monétisation de blog avec une plateforme de vente d'articles sponsorisés.
A propos
Plateforme de netlinking éditée par la société française Eklipseo enregistrée au RCS de Perpignan - N°522 034 107

12 rue des Macabeus
66300 Ponteilla

Mentions légales
Conditions générales d'utilisation

Paiement sécurisé avec le Crédit Agricole
Paiement sécurisé sur notre plateforme de netlinking
Service client
Notre société de service de netlinking pas cher se tient à votre disposition du Lundi au Vendredi de 9h à 20h pour vous accompagner dans l'utilisation de notre outil de netlinking et de monétisation de blog. Pour faire analyser votre site, n'hésitez pas à nous demander un audit de netlinking. Plateforme pour influenceur web.

Sur Boosterlink, nous utilisons les cookies pour faire fonctionner Google Analytics et améliorer l'expérience utilisateur.

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